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Multimedia Story Telling:She can dive,climb and rescue ?The baker girl is a real MuLan

Updated: Apr 19, 2023

"I don't like participating in too many rescues.Because if we participate in the rescue, something bad will definitely happen."

Ye HaiLan, a 172cm tall and sweet-looking girl in blue overalls, stepped down from the rescue vehicle with her comrades. Because they had just participated in urban search and rescue on March 23th.

Walking into the training base of the Blue Sky Rescue Team, you can see all kinds of emergency rescue facilities and training equipment, but the most attractive thing for me is various banners and certificates by the citizens.

In fact, Ye Hailan, 28, is a baker at a cake shop in JinHua, ZheJiang Province. "I often get complaints from customers that I cancel their orders on their birthday, or I have been called the most unproductive baker . However, I chose this industry because I have the freedom of time to participate in rescue missions at any time." Ye HaiLan said helplessly.

Walking more than 20 kilometers in the mountains with 20 kilometers of equipment on their back is a required item for their training in the wild; They often receive such calls for help in the middle of the night , such as flood fighting and rescue, drowning rescue, search and rescue in the wild. In Ye HaiLan's eyes, rescue means that professionals do professional things, without distinction between gender. Different rescue tasks require different rescue knowledge. First-aid knowledge is a simple subject; drowning, to dive and kayak; mountain rescue, to need for rope skills; and demolition... In order to better complete the search and rescue mission, Ye HaiLan, who used to be afraid of water, overcame her psychological fear and practiced her skills hard. She successively obtained a series of qualification certificates, such as“CMAS Diver”,“NFK Rapids Rescue Technician”, and so on.

"One of my most unforgettable rescues for me was that a mother was kneeling in front of me with two children and asked me to salvage her husband more times from the lake.”YeHaiLan said in a choked voice.”. “As the drowning happened , we”ll say someting in our mouths, such as 'I'll take you home. ' . And then we don't feel afraid. I think I just took a person home who has left home.”

"No rescue is the best thing for our volunteers."Ye HaiLan said that she has participated in more than 200 rescue activities in the past 9 years, , including the rescue of natural disasters in Suichang in 2016, and carried out more than 100 urban search and rescue operations. At the same time , she organize and lead the team to attend more than 600 people on duty at the highway entrance. But she would rather prevent accidents and dangers in advance than try to rescue the trapped and dead after a disaster. So she began to devote herself to popularizing disaster prevention and mitigation knowledge, and promoting emergency rescue knowledge. In recent years, she has led her team members to carry out more than 200 training about first-aid and fire safety on campus, communities, and enterprises, ect. The training activities give directly benefiting more than 100000 person-times.

Ye HaiLan said, " No matter how deep the darkness is, there will always be a blue sky. If we will give more help to people in trouble, the world will be warmer and brighter.”





The second group By:Liu Jian、Tang Wanqing、Qian Liang、Li Bu

March 26, 2023

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